Beginner's Guide to Mastering LinkedIn

None of this material is particularly exciting reading/viewing, but if you want to maximize LinkedIn's revenue-generating potential, then this is stuff you need to know.
Here's a quick summary of LinkedIn tips to get you started. Whether you're new to LinkedIn or you've had a profile for a while and just haven't done much with it, these tips will quickly get you going in the right direction.
LinkedIn training videos
The training videos do take a little bit of time to watch, but trust me, it's worth it. There's a lot of great information in those videos and you will certainly learn something in them that will help you improve your profile.
A behind-the-scenes look at how a single recording session can yield weeks or months worth of video content...
"I'd like to add you to my professional network" is no way to introduce yourself...
A one-stop reference to quickly teach you how to leverage the LinkedIn platform to make more money.
Here's a hint: your summary should not be about you!
Two words: keyword saturation...
A collection of blog posts containing simple tips to help you get the most out of LinkedIn.
LinkedIn favors those who complete their profiles...