Lenzy Ruffin is a Cooking Show Advisor. He helps chefs create revenue-generating cooking shows.
Lenzy Ruffin is a Cooking Show Advisor. He helps chefs create revenue-generating cooking shows.
I invite you to help me test out a concept for a marketing cooperative for service providers to families (healthcare professionals, tutors, nannies, housekeeping services...any of the professionals that families rely on).
I’m betting that a webpage with an array of family service providers appearing via video will prove to be a real resource to families in the area...a one-stop shop for all the service providers that modern families rely upon.
Everyone in the marketing co-op would benefit because collectively we’d all be creating visibility for each other if the Family Resource Guide becomes something that families circulate among themselves.
My idea is to provide an online Family Resource Guide in the form of a page that has videos like the one you see below where the business owner says who they are, what they do, and how people can reach them in the first 60 seconds.
After the first minute, there’ll be a brief interview where I pull a little more out of the business owner so that prospective clients can get a better feel for who they are and why they're the professional to hire.
This should be a far more effective way of advertising because the business owner gets to actually present themselves to prospective clients rather than just providing a photo and a paragraph.
I'm not aware of any advertising channel in the DC area that offers business owners the opportunity to present themselves the way Attorney Callins does above. By putting a collection of videos from family service providers all in one place, I think I can create a resource that runs circles around what the existing advertising outlets provide, in terms of usefulness to families and lead generation for the businesses featured.
I believe so strongly in this idea that I'm putting my money where my mouth is and underwriting it entirely myself. This won't cost anyone, except me, anything. I just need some serious business owners who service the family market to participate. This only works if I have enough of the right kind of businesses to make it a useful resource to families.
If you are a parent and you know a rock star child care provider or pediatric dentist or tutor or any other family service provider that you think other families would benefit from using, send them this page so they can see if they want to participate.
If you are a family service provider who would like to be considered for inclusion and you meet the initial criteria below, please use the contact form to submit your info.
You are a family service provider, meaning you provide a service that specifically caters to families
Your business is within 5 miles of Washington, DC
Business owners with a quality website or strong social media presence have priority