Lenzy Ruffin is a Cooking Show Advisor. He helps chefs create revenue-generating cooking shows.
Lenzy Ruffin is a Cooking Show Advisor. He helps chefs create revenue-generating cooking shows.
Women of color, if you are not happy with your headshot, it’s not your fault.
There is nothing difficult about making anyone look great, regardless of where they fall on the spectrum of skin tones. You just have to work with a photographer who cares enough to light you properly.
I care.
I care what you look like and I do all the things that I'm supposed to do as a professional photographer to make sure you look your very best.
Don’t settle for anything less than that from any photographer you work with.
While I have your attention, women of color, I want to ask you to care as much about your internal health as you do about your external appearance.
Breast cancer takes you away from us at an alarming rate and most of that high mortality rate is attributable to a lack of knowledge.
Addressing that lack of knowledge is why I have partnered with Cherry Blossom Intimates to create an ongoing education series on breast health.
Here’s an introduction to their boutique. It is a spectacular place created with you in mind.