KIP Cannabis Grand Opening

KIP Cannabis Grand Opening

According to Forbes, in 2017 the worldwide legal marijuana trade grew by 37% and was worth $9.5 billion. At $8.5 billion, the U.S. accounted for 90% of it.

You don't have to use cannabis to make money from it.

There are unlimited cannabis-adjacent business opportunities. You can sell to the cannabis industry whatever it is you already sell.

Cannabis businesses need accountants. They need payroll services. They need IT support. They need plumbers and carpenters.

I encourage everyone to find or create a lane for themselves in the cannabis industry. If you weren't able to secure your fortune with the dot-com boom or the real estate boom, the cannabis boom is right here for you to capitalize on, if you're willing to put in the work.

Below are a few enterprising business owners who are carving out a space for themselves in the cannabis industry, presented by Chef Jazz, medicinal cannabis patient and owner of Green Panther Chef.

Who is Chef Jazz?

In 2006, Jazmine Moore was diagnosed with Crohn's disease during her last year of Culinary College. She went down to 84 pounds and traditional medication was not helping her.

So she researched holistic remedies for Crohn's disease and cannabis kept popping up.

Chef Jazz decided to apply her culinary training to what she was learning through her cannabis research and through extensive trial and error, she found a cannabis regimen that sent her Crohn's disease into remission.

Jazmine’s Crohn's disease has been in remission for more than ten years.

Now, Chef Jazz is on a mission to help others heal themselves with cannabis through her wellness company, Green Panther Chef.

Visit for more info.

Interview with Chef Jazz

For more from Chef Jazz, visit

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