Identify Your 2019 Team Now

Identify Your 2019 Team Now

Make a Guaranteed Investment

Instead of being a consumer this holiday season, consider being an investor…in yourself.

Here are some people who would make great additions to your 2019 team:

LinkedIn training: Elisse Barnes -

Marketing (make people know you exist): Ricki Fairley -

Sales (close the deal when your marketing efforts generate leads): Thomas Ellis -

Career transition coaching for the 40+ crowd: Berri A. Wells -

Videography (in almost 2019, if you STILL have never made a single video to promote yourself or your business, you are not competitive): Pamela Vines -

Printed marketing materials (biz cards, roll up displays, tablecloths...everything): Sheldon Jobe - Sheldon’s team also does website design. Click here for work samples.

Media relations (getting your messaging right): Greg Caires -

Women's leadership coaching: Christy Rutherford -

Health and wellness (three trips to the gym in January is not going to get you in shape): Ewunike Akpan -

Financial literacy (as Lauryn Hill said “It ain’t what you cop, it’s what you keep.”): Sonya Smith-Valentine -

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Women in Business

Women in Business

Lynette Voss - Vintage and Charmed

Lynette Voss - Vintage and Charmed