The Little Emperor (Nine Pounds of Terror - Part II)

The Little Emperor (Nine Pounds of Terror - Part II)

If you didn't see Part One, you can click here to check it out.

Picking up where we left off yesterday, this little guy is still claiming somebody else's bed as his own.

And actually defending it.

Well...kinda defending it.

This little Terminator just keeps coming back.


"What did you say?"                                                                    "Nothing."

Again, Russell giving me the "Are you not going to do anything about this?" look. He's been giving me that look for two days.

This is as close as you get, Mingus. I don't care how cute you are, I don't allow dogs on the furniture.

Stop chewing your leash, Mingus.

Mingus, stop chewing your leash. Don't make me tickle you.

Cut it out, man. That tickles!

This isn't fair!

Cut it out!

Quit tickling me!

Quit tickling meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Back to "Whose bed is it?" This went on for the entire two days.

"I'm getting tired of you acting like you own this joint, little boy."

"So? What are you gonna do about it?"

Like I said, this went on for the entire two days.

"Am I worried about that big dog lurking in the background?"


"He's my security. When you're this cute, you need somebody for crowd control. The ladies tend to create a ruckus."


He is NOT supposed to be on the couch!

The battle for the bed continues...

"I don't care how many of y'all there is (gulp), this is MY bed!"

"What's going on over there? What are you guys doing? Y'all better not be talking about me!"

I do not allow dogs on the furniture, but this little guy wouldn't settle down and shut up after his 6am feeding. He said "eff you and eff this crate...I ain't going back to sleep!" So I laid on the couch and put him on my chest and that little monster went right out and slept for three hours. Yeah, I got punked. First, he took Russell's bone, his bed, and his crate. The last bit of unconquered territory was the couch and he took that, too.

And those are not props he's laying on. That's a pile of work that didn't get done. I'm two days behind, but I came out way ahead at the same time. I wouldn't trade those two days with this little guy for anything in the world.

Who knew iPads made good pillows?

Don't let that baby face fool you! This little boy is a ruthless dictator who claims everything he sees. Don't let him in your house!!!

Wouldn't have traded babysitting that little guy for anything in the world. He rolled in here and declared himself exempt from any and all rules, policies, procedures, regulations, protocols, and/or conventions. Nobody challenged him.

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